In respect to armaments, the Executive Council is to deter-
mine a scale that is " fair and reasonable," and this scale must not be exceeded by any State in the League without the Council's permission. But the League undertakes to defend " the terri- torial integrity and existing political independence" of all its members. The League will take notice of any war or threat of war in the wide world. Disputes arising between members most be submitted to an arbitrator or to the Executive Council. The disputants must not resort to war till three months after the award has been made, and not even then if the award has been complied with. A permanent Court of International Justice is to be net up for arbitration work. Any State breaking its covenant is to be boycotted by the League, which will employ armed force under the direction of the Executive Council. If a member of the League quarrels with a State outside the League, or if two States outside the League have a dispute, the League will treat such States as if they were subject to the obligations of membership.