News Of The Week.
A DASTARDLY attempt on the life of M. Clemenceau has shocked the Allied world. The " Grand Young Man of Franco" was driving on Wednesday morning from his home in the Rue......
In Respect To Armaments, The Executive Council Is To Deter-
mine a scale that is " fair and reasonable," and this scale must not be exceeded by any State in the League without the Council's permission. But the League undertakes to defend......
The British Public, Which Has Come To Regard M. Clemenceau
as a corner-stone of the Alliance, has been as deeply moved as it was when Lord Kitchener was lost. The wonderful old man incarnates for us the spirit of French patriotism, in......
President Wilson Laid Before The Peace Conference Last...
draft Covenant of the League of Nations, drawn up by a Committee representing the five great and nine small Allied Powers. The preamble defines its purpose as " to promote......
President Wilson Reported The League Covenant To The...
In reading it, he broke off to state that the Mandatory clause had been discussed very carefully by the five Great Powers and embodied their unanimous conclu- sion, no that it......
The Nineteenth Article Of The Covenant Defines The...
which the ex-German colonies and parts of the Turkish Empire will be governed. The former Turkish provinces will be provisionally recognized as independent nations, "subject to......
■ .• The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...
or letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions 1/1 case of rejection.......
The Paper Short40e.
TO OUR READERS.-11 is still necessary for readers fo place a definite order for the "Spectator" with their Newsagent or at one of the Railway Bookstalls. Should any reader......