(To THE EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOR."] SLR,—Nothing is more important for the real authority of the Church of Christ and her influence upon civilization than the oneness of her witness. In the hope that real steps may be taken towards this goal, eminent representatives of various Churches and schools of thought will speak on Sunday after- noons at Kingsway Hall. May I call the attention of your readers to these Conferences on Christian Union ? The Con- ferences will be held every Sunday afternoon at 3.30 at Kings- way Hall from February 23rd to April 16th, and the speakers are the Bishop of London, Dr. Orchard, Lord Hugh Cecil, Dr. Scott Lidgett, the Bishop of Chelmsford, Principal Selbie, and Rev. J. H. Shakespeare—I am, Sir, Szn.
J. ErtNEST RATTEVBORT (Conference Chairman). West London Mission, 5 Russell Mansions,
Southampton Row, MC.