GREAT country houses which have proved too expensive for the successors of the so-called feudal lords are going begging in many parts. A new use has been found for one of them, the beautiful Westham House at Barford in Warwickshire. It is to become a residential university, where some fifty men and women, drawn equally from town and country, may enjoy a few months' study of humane letters. It will bear some likeness to the Folk Schools that flourish in Scandinavia, and bring together workers in industry and husbandry. Birmingham University and the Carnegie Trust are beneficently concerned in this more or less new experiment, which has been urged • strongly for a long while by one of the very best of the county papers, The Wactvickshire journal, which is the official organ of the Warwickshire Rural Community Council. Its like ought to be found in all shires. Such a paper is a great aid to the ideal of local self-sufficiency, most hopefully promoted by the admirable Village Produce Association, which itself ought to have a more elaborate journal.