Prospects In 'spain "
SIR, —May I add a brief statement on the religious situation in Spain to the clear outline given by Don Salvador de Madariaga on Spanish affairs? General Franco recently, in an......
National Insurance And Injustice
Sra,—I have but recently found time to study the National Insurance Bill, and I am appalled at what I find in it. So far I have counted 51 out of the 79 clauses which......
Sarawak's History
Sm,—May I, an old friend and admirer of Britain and the Empire, intrude a warning word in your pages upon the subject of Sarawak? For me and for many it is a test case. All......
The Tyrol Revisited
SrR,—Until recently in Italy, may I be allowed to point out a few facts relating to South Tyrol which seem to have been overlooked in Sir George Frankenstein's article? (a) The......
Russia And The Labour Party
Sta,Until fairly recently, any mention of Russia at a Socialist gathering was greeted with a storm of cheers. To the conventional Labour mind, that other great nation, the......
Ministers' Employers
do not know by what authority " Janus " asserts that " Congre- gational and Baptist ministers are the servants of their individual con- gregations," but I can assure him that he......
Employment And Demobilisation
Sm,—In the course of a statement in the House of Commons on January 24th, Mr. Ness Edwards gave this assurance: " So far as my Right Hon. Friend the Minister of Labour is......