JAN. 20.—This day the following degrees were conferred t , -Master of
Arts—W. W. Champneyl,Bratennose. Bachelors of Arts—J. E. Bates, E. Hill, Students tf Christ.Church ; C. P. G wilt, Christ Church; F.C. Wilson, Edmund Hall ; E. Ellis, St. John's College.
We have made arrangements for giving a complete List of the Honours and Degrees which will be conferred in the Senate this day.—Cambridge Paper of this date.
Am phlet, Pet. Budd, Coins Cheadle, Qu. Degez, Jes. Earnshaw, Joh. Guskin, Joh. Mills, sell. Pemb. Smith, Sid. Walker, Chi. Wilton, Joh. Worledge, 'Trin.
SECOND CLASS. Butes, C.C.C. Jerwoocl, Joh. Mellor, Trim Mills, jun. Pemb. Otter, Chr.
Peile, Qu. Whytehead, Joh.
Blakesley, Trin. Bainbridge, Cath.
Bonnin, Queen's. Baldwift, Trio.
Yesterday the candidates for honours it ere laaketed as under; consequently Mr. Ernshaw or Mr. Gaskin must be Senior IVrangler • By the death of Dr. Lloyd the Regius Professorship of Hebrew has become vacant. The election of a successor, we understand, will take place wit] in eight days. On Friday last George Phillips, Esq., B.A. of Queen's college, was elected a Foundation Fellow of that society.
Ernshaw, Joh. Gaskin, Joh.
Budd, Coins.
—s- Worledge, Trin.
Amphlet, Pet. /dills, Sen. Pemb.
—5— *Mel ler, Trin. Paget, Cans. Pell, Qu. Smith, Si,!. Whytelfead, Joh. 'Willful, Joh.
Bates, C.C.C. Chenille, Qu. Oliver,Pet. Rigg, Shepperd, Trin.
Bacon, C.C.C. Blakesley, Dejax, Jes.
W. Eutwisle, Trio. Mills, Jun. Pens. Otter, 'CM'.
Paton, Trio. Walker, Chr. Wallace, 'Iris,. Winter, C.C.C.
Geary, Trin. Harrison, Coins. Hiltlyard, Clare. Hoare, Joh. Nash, Trin.
—(I— Colville, 'Iris. Dawes, C.C.C. Delamere, Ross Lewin, Cath. Tyrrell, Joh. Ventris, Qu. Whiston, Trin.
—10— Bonin, Q11. Bullock, Clare. Dashwood, Trim
Maim, C. C. C.
Hockin, Pon.
K Pet. Mann, Job. Minty, Caius. Nicholson, Joh. Owston, Qu. Pi ekwood, Pet. Proctor, Chr. Stanton, Chr. Stmldart, C. C. C. Swann, Emu]. Thomson, Trio.
—II— /Jarman, C.tius. !tigers, Trin.
—12— Thotnson, Jes.
-13— Bei nbridge, Cockerton, Joh. Gaskell, C. C. C. Venables, Enun. Wallis, 'frill. Whittington, Pan.
Blain, Trim. Fell,
Fleming, Pent. let wood, Joh. Johnst,,n, ('sins. Kennedy, Trio. Power, Joh. Shadwell, Jolt. Sharpies, Emm. Sped ding,Trits.
cey, ('hr. Street, Qn.
Vawdry, Joh. Walsh, 'Van.
—11;— 011:afield, Evans, Qu. Fusbrook , Trin. Foster, Trim Morgan, Trim Selwyn. Joh. Yellowly, Trin.
Colville, Trin. Dawes, C.C.C. Delamore, Dixon, C.C.C. W. Entwistle, Tri. Geary, 'Iris,. NV.II Harrison, Cai. Hoare, Joh.
Pemb. Mann, Job. Nash, Trin. Nicholson, Job. Oliver, Pet. Paget, Coins. Paton, 'Tin. Rigg, Caius. Sheppard, Trim Tyrrell, Joh. Stanton, Mr. Stoddart, C.C.C. Wallace, Trin. Winter, C.C.C.
Mane, Trio. Bullock, Clare. Cameron, Trin. Chatfield, Trio. Cockerton, Joh. Cookesley, Dashwood, 'frill. T. Enta:stle, Trim Evans, Qn. Facet!, Qn. Fearon, Cath. Fell, Pet.
Finiey, Trim Fleming, Noll,. Fusin oke, Trim Foster, Trim Gasket', C. C. C. Good, Qtt.
Gitille„1011. Dorman, Caius. IIildyard, Clare.
Trio. Johnstone, Coins. Kennedy, Trin. lilatiert, Pet. Minty, Cal:IS. Morgan, Trust. Owston, Q.t. Pickwood, l'et. Power, Joh. Proctor, Chr. Rogers, Trin. Ross-Lewin, Cads. Scott, 'frill. Selwyn, Joh. Shadwell, Joh. Shot ples, Enna. Stayce,
Smyth:es, Trio. sved■hot., Street, (/11.
Swann, Emm. Tennant, Trio. Thompson, Trio.
,res. Vawdrvy, Joh. Venables, E mm. Vent ris, Qu. ll'alsh, Trio. ll'hist on, Trim Whit tington, Peni. Yellowir, Trim