- The Annual Obituary Is This Year Rich In Death
: the harvest has been great. One king, five admirals, two statesmen, a President of the Royal Academy, several authors, and other extraordinary or remarkable persons, have......
The Spectator's Library.
THE volume supplemental to the Voyages of COLUMBUS which describes the adventures of his companions and disciples, is one of the most pleasing productions of its accomplished......
Mr. Palgrlve's Answer To Mr. Nicolas's Pamphlet On The Abuse
of the funds set aside for the publication of the records, and the g eneral neglect and mismanagement of the public docu- ments a nd state papers, leaves the question pretty......
Time's Telescope Is Thiiyear Behind Time ; A Great Fault
in a time- keeper and observer, like this publication. The editor had gazed so long at some new asteroids, that he forgot to observe that the planet lie was upon had completed......
The Travels And Researches Of Eminent Missionaries Is A...
tonceived little work, and, as far as it goes, extremely well exe- tented. The idea has probably been taken from the abridgment of the Lettres Edifiantes of the French Jesuits ;......
Guy's Ancient Geography Is As Complete A Little...
we have lately met with. We are glad at length to see the sub- ject reduced to a small compass, and placed before the learner in an intelligible form. An improvement might, we......
Captain Sherer's Life Of The Duke Of Wellington Forms The
first volume of Dr. LARDNER's Cabinet Library; which is a se- parate work from the Cyclopedia ; and, as the latter work em- braces the circle of things past, the Library will......
The Stories From The Italian Writers, With An Interlinear...
is an extremely neat performance ; and the system upon which it is compiled, not ill adapted for language-learning. It wants simply one improvement, and that taken from the me-......