22 JANUARY 1831, Page 9


Saturday-11ot) Roy—Davy Jones.

Monday—Pizarro—A King's Fireside—Davy Jones.

• Tuesday—The School for Scandal—Davy Jones. Wednesday—Werner—Turnin- the Tables—Davy Jones. Thursday—The Brigaml—Thelllustrious Stranger—Davy Jones. Friday—Werner—Perfection—Davy Jones.


Saturday—Cinderella—Harlequin Fat. Monday—Fazio— II a ilequi n Fat. Tuesday—Cinderella—Harlequin Fat. Wednesday—Fazio—Harlequin Fat. Thursday—The Chancery Suit—hide and Seek—Harlequin Fat. Friday—Fazio—Teddy the Tiler,Harlequin Fut.

The sole fresh performance (and that is " novel" only as far as the

present season is concerned) has been Mr. MACREADY'S Rob Roy, which he repeated on Saturday last to a good house. Oh—there was another " novelty"—Miss" PEARSON'S Diana Vernon ; which reminded us that • Illiss STEPHENS once belonged to-the Drury Lane company. At Covent Garden, Miss IxvEaststs.- is going on famously on her "off" nights, whilst Fazio goes off with eclat on the alternate ones. X Chancery Suit ever was a slow piece of business, and Mr. PEASE finds it so in Isis case. We think the two farces, of which this " comedy" is composer', hail better be worked up separately. Forced unions will never sympathetically amalgamate ;—even the "Allied Powers," with their -arms, and their men, and their " divine right" to boot, have found

'themselves at fault in this particular.

There has been an " indisposition" at .both the houses dtiring the week—at Drury Lane, on the part of Miss. MonDausrr, whose duties in the School for Scandal, A King's Fireside, and Werner, have rather unexpectedly devolved upon Miss Fatierr. Though Miss Moans UST is by far the prettier young lady of the two; the change has,- in some ..respects, been to our better satisfaction. Miss .1floaDAux.r's thin and • deliberate voice never seems snore than /ip.deep; Miss FAuErr's ap- pears to flow more directly from the heart. At Covent Garden,• KEE- J.EY was laid up for several days, during which his.own part of APedro, in Cinderella, was but indifferently performed by MEADOWS; and Har- lequin Fat, " with all Isis blushing honours thick upon him," by Mr. V. MATTHEWS. Our " origioal" returned to his duties on Thursday. The only novelties decidedly spoken of are, AUBER'S Fra Datcolo, at Drury Lane, where it will have the benefit of Mr.•LEE's arranging and adapting, with such comic and operatic. power as the house affords ; and anew operatic drama at Covent Garden, to be called the Romance of a Day, in which WILSON, ABBOTT, BARTLEY, KEELEY, Miss CAWSE, and Miss TAYLOR will perform—the music new, and by LISHOP. At Drury Lane, Mr. MACREADY :s preparing his William Tell for performance. OLyssesc.—On Monday, Mr. KENNEY'S pleasant farce of Matrimony was performed here, under the title of Steinberg Castle. Miss FOOTE, as Flora, 11 as the sole support of the piece ; the other characters were miserably filled. On Tuesday, a new serio-comie burletta, from the French, called the Lost Son, was produced; Miss FOOTE again perform- ing the heroine, and singing a new song composed for her by HORN E. On 1Vednesday, the Chaste Salute, another veritable trifle froM the French, and interspersed with music by Holm:, -was produced with but indifferent success. It was interspersed with a variety of musical pieces,

the whole of which were the production of the composer mined above.

Mr. SPAGNOLEITI, jun., and a Miss SIDNEY, made their first appearance in. this.piece; and were received with applause. The former, howeVer,

was not quite perfect in his dialogue, and was rather unceremoniously prompted by part of the audience. The house has been crowded with unabatedardoilr.

SURREY.—A•new melodrama was produced here on Monday, with great success. It is called Zamor, the Mexican ; and the principal cha- racters were ably sustained by OSBALDISTON, H. KEMBLE, and VALE; with Misses Soso:Inman and VINCENT.

Conouno.—There is generally something new here every week, so

that novelties become no novelties at all. This week's production is an historical melodrama of some pretensions, entitled Wet Tyler and Jack Straw.

FRENCH PLAYS.—These performances are already very fully attended, and greater attractions are announced. On Monday, the pieces selected were LeOnide, an interesting melodrama of the old love and mystery school; La Seconde Annee, the original from which the Adelphi Was I to Blame ? is taken ; and Le Bd Champetre, "une affaire de rim," as concerns character, plot, or incident, being the bare means of introducing the saltatorial powers of the company to the audience. TOTTENHAM STREET TREATISE, which is henceforth-to be called Tim • QUEEN'S, is u undergoing a thorough repair, both before- and -behind the -Crtain. The scenery and decorations are to be entirely new ; and the company will muster very strong,—including J. RUSSELL, CONQUEST, Mrs. HUMBY, Mrs. GEovER, and her daughter, now Mrs. EvAtts, and ethers of considerable reputation. They open on the 29th instant, with several operatic novelties