Post Office London Directory, with County Suburbs. (Kelly's Directories. In
one vol., 40s. ; in two, 43s. 6d.; for London only, 25s.)—We have to welcome again this gigantic annual. We have grown so familiar with its completeness and its accuracy, with the regularity with which the constantly shifting life, commercial and social, of this vast city is recorded, that we cannot appreciate the care and labour which are expended in its production. In the London portion there are two thousand three hundred and fifty- eight pages measuring about twelve by eleven inches and mostly four-columned: it would be an interesting calculation to work out the number of ordinary volumes to which this is equivalent. Of course a directory of London implies much information about other places. So there is, following the list of London bankers, another of provincial, Colonial, and foreign bankers extending to a hundred and fifty-three pages, with the names of the London houses on which they draw. We must not forgot to mention the admirable map.