The Result As A Whole Is Not One With Which
we can profess to quarrel. In this context, however, it must be pointed out that it would be the greatest possible mistake for those who share the Spectator view to relax any of......
That Invaluable Person, The Scottish Heckler, Elicited A...
and important declaration from Mr. Asquith on Wednesday. Asked bow he intended to improve the House of Lords, Mr. Asquith replied : " It is not proposed to improve it at all,......
The Bill For The Reform Of French Judicial Procedure Was
published in Paris on Thursday week. The first object of the Bill, the Times correspondent says, is the suppression of the preliminary interrogatory by the Judge on the basis of......
In View Of Recent Developments, It Is Worth While Briefly
to recapitulate the official Liberal declarations as to Home-rule. On December 10th in the Albert Hall Mr. Asquith stated that the Liberal policy, "while explicitly safeguarding......
In View Of All The Circumstances, We Should Most Strongly
advise Unionists not to be deluded by the incident of Mr. J. A. Pease's speech, and the indignation it has created in Ireland, into imagining that the Liberal Government and......
On Friday Week An Important And Interesting Debate Began In
the French Chamber of Deputies on the schools question. For some time many of the Bishops have been complaining that the ecoles laiques—that is, the "provided" or "neutral"......
Mr. Asquith's Attempts To Minimise The Effect Of His Pledges
in regard to Home-rule are in curious contrast with the calculated indiscretions of Mr. Lloyd George. For example, at Conway on Wednesday the Chancellor of the Exchequer said......
• A Marked Feature Of The Election Has Been The
gains made by the Unionists in the English counties. The counties which were supposed to he going to prove the stronghold of Liberalism have shown their determination not to be......