22 JULY 1837, Page 10


In Tuesday's Gazette, numerous appointments of Ministers of State and Officers of the Household were formally announced. Lord Mel- bourne, Mr. Spring Rice, Mr. More O'Ferrall, Lord Seymour, Mr. Robert Steuart, and Mr. John Parker, were gazetted Lords of the Treasury; tbe Earl of Minto, Sir Charles Adam, Sir W. Parker, the Honourable George Elliot, Sir Thomas Troubridge, and Lord Dal- lawny, Lords of the Admiralty; Mr. Spring Rice, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir John Hobbouse and Mr. John Sullivan, Commis- sioners for the Affairs of India ; Viscount Howick, Secretary at War ; Sir Hussey Vivian, Master-General of the Ordnance ; Sir Andrew Leith Hay, Clerk of the Ordnance ; the Honourable George Anson, Storekeeper of the Ordnance ; Mr. Cutler Fergusson, Judge.Advo. Cate-General; Lord Albemarle, Master of the Horse ; Mr. J. Archi- bald Murray, Advocate for Scotland ; Mr. A. Rutherford, Solicitor- General for Scotland ; Mr. Labouchere, Master of the Mint ; and Sir Henry Parnell, Paymaster. General. In Tuesday's Gazette, numerous appointments of Ministers of State and Officers of the Household were formally announced. Lord Mel- bourne, Mr. Spring Rice, Mr. More O'Ferrall, Lord Seymour, Mr. Robert Steuart, and Mr. John Parker, were gazetted Lords of the Treasury; tbe Earl of Minto, Sir Charles Adam, Sir W. Parker, the Honourable George Elliot, Sir Thomas Troubridge, and Lord Dal- lawny, Lords of the Admiralty; Mr. Spring Rice, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir John Hobbouse and Mr. John Sullivan, Commis- sioners for the Affairs of India ; Viscount Howick, Secretary at War ; Sir Hussey Vivian, Master-General of the Ordnance ; Sir Andrew Leith Hay, Clerk of the Ordnance ; the Honourable George Anson, Storekeeper of the Ordnance ; Mr. Cutler Fergusson, Judge.Advo. Cate-General; Lord Albemarle, Master of the Horse ; Mr. J. Archi- bald Murray, Advocate for Scotland ; Mr. A. Rutherford, Solicitor- General for Scotland ; Mr. Labouchere, Master of the Mint ; and Sir Henry Parnell, Paymaster. General. The Marquis of Convngbam is reappointed Lord Chamberlain, and Lord Charles Fitzroy Vice. Chamberlain. The Marquis of Head fort, the Marquis of Queensberry, Viscount Falkland, Viscount Torring- ton, Lord Byron, Lord Gardner, Lord Lilford, and Lord Templemore, Lords in Waiting; Sir W. Lumley, Sir Robert Otway, Colonel Arm- strong, the Honourable Charles Murray, the Honourable William Cowper, Sir H. Seton, Captain Pechell, and Mr. H. Rich, Grooms in Waiting ; the Bishop of Norwich, Clerk of the Closet.

The Morning Chronicle says that the Earl of Surry will be Trea- surer; and Colonel Grey, Lord Alfred Paget, and Colonel Buckley, (Lord Radnor's son.in-law,) the new Equerries. Colonel Wemyss, borother of Captain Erskine Wemyss, is also appointed an Equerry. Lady Caroline Barrington, a daughter of Earl Grey, is to be one of the Bedchamber Ladies. These appointments are, without exception, Whig : Lord Surry, indeed, was once a Doubtful, but we presume fi x

the Treasurership es him.

Last night, Mr. Coke was gazetted " Earl of Leicester and Holk- barn and Viscount Coke ;" and the Duke of Roxburgh "Earl of Innes " in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. In addition to the above, the Gazette of last night announces the reappointment of Lord Cottenham as Lord Chancellor ; the Marquis of Lansdowne, President of tbe Council ; Lord Duncannon, Lord Privy Seal; Lord John Russell, Home Secretary ; Lord Palmerston, Foreign Secretary ; Lord Glenelg, Colonial Secretary ; Mr. Poulett Thomson, President, and Mr. Labouchere, Vice-President of the Board of Trade.