Lord Brougham Has "protested " Against The Omission Of The
Duk e of Sussex from the list of Lords Justices to act in case of the Queen's death while the heir presumptive is abroad, and also against the appoint- ment of the Lord Chief......
The Queen Of Hanover, And Prince George, Now Crown Prince,
entered the capital on Saturday last, amidst firing of cannon and the acclamations of the people. Mr. Planta and Lieutenant Gordon (query, the saintly Tory of Exeter Hall, once......
The Queen Is Expected To Honour The Duke And Dutcbess
of Nor- thumberland with her compauy at Sion House, previous to their de- parture for Alnwick Castle. Her Grace, who was especially invited to Buckingham Palace, was received by......
Mr. O'Connell has made the letter of Lord Durham the subject of three motions, first, that the political creed of Lord Durham is the political creed of the General Association ;......
In Tuesday's Gazette, numerous appointments of Ministers of State and O ffi cers of the Household were formally announced. Lord Mel- bourne, Mr. Spring Rice, Mr. More O'Ferrall,......
Last Week, We Mentioned The Rumour That A Negotiation Bad
been opened with the Duke of Marlborough for the sale of the borough of Woodstock ; adding, that the story had not been contradicted. It turns out to have been founded on fact ;......
The Army.
WAR•OFFICE, July 18.-Brevet-Col, Sir W. Tuyll, on half.pay of the 25th IAA* Drags. to be Major-lien. in the Army ; Lieut..Col. C. P. de Boatel, on half-pay 50d1 Foot. to be Col.......
Notwithstanding The Earnest Warning Of The Irish...
blockheads would have a "blow out" on the 12th of July. In many places they walked in procession, and in some there were violent collisions with the police. The Marquis of......
Several Tory Noblemen And Gentlemen In The Parish Of St.
George's, Hanover Square, are using threats and intimidations to procure vote, for Sir George Murray, as Lord Nor:nanton and Mr. Henry Baring can testily ; and to the......