Lord Brougham has "protested " against the omission of the
Duke of Sussex from the list of Lords Justices to act in case of the Queen's death while the heir presumptive is abroad, and also against the appoint- ment of the Lord Chief Justice to act as one of the Lords Justices ia the said event. Lord Brougham contends, that in both cases the act is opposed to constitutional precedents. The town has been for some days inundated with the most unfa- vourable reports as to the health of Sir Robert Peel. If they are, as we trust they are, either altogether erroneous or much exaggerated, we should be happy to see them contradicted.--Morning Herald. The Colonial Bishopric of Quebec has fallen to the gift of Ministers, by the demise of the Honourable and Right Reverend Charles James Stewart, D.D. His Lordship was the fourth son of John seventh Earl of Galloway. There was an error in the Gazette Extraordinary with respect to the time tt when the election for Scotch Peers is to take place-it is the 25th of August, and not September. This comes of doing things ill such a hurry.
Mr. J. B. Williams, Mayor of Shrewsbury, who presented an ad. dress at the last Levee from the Town Council of that place, Mr.Cals colt, and Mr. Newton, the well-known artists, have received the honour of knighthood.