The Queen is expected to honour the Duke and Dutcbess
of Nor- thumberland with her compauy at Sion House, previous to their de- parture for Alnwick Castle. Her Grace, who was especially invited to Buckingham Palace, was received by the Queen with the most marked attention.
Lord Brougham had a long private audience of the Queen on Sun- day. People wonder what he had to say : we could wager he made himself very agreeable.
An evening paper, in describing the appearance of the Queen, on Monday, has the following very funny passage-" Her emotion was plainly discernible in the rapid heaving of her bosom, and "-in what else does the reader suppose ? why, "the brilliancy of her diamond stomacher! which sparkled out occasionally from the durk recess in which the throne was placed, like the sun on the swell of die smooth ocean as the billows rise and fall! " [This " funny passage " is taken at second-hand from the Times: we have not seen the "evening paper" that originated the coruscation.]
Complaints have reached us from several quarters, of the riotous conduct of certain persons at the Queen's Levee, on Wednesday. The rush at the door of the last ante-room was perfectly frightful.-Post.