planets and the cessation of riotous disturbing volcanic powers in
the poem. We hardly know which among the bevy to as they get old. fling the handkerchief to : so bewildered are we amongst veils, scarlet It has long been known that the elevating cause, whatever it is, is not pecu- wreaths, and boddices, and dazzled with bright eyes and the lustre of liar to this earth ; its operations are seen in the Moon, in Venus, Mercury, and gems. Miss LOUISA CORBAUX has executed her share of the work with perhaps also in the Sun. Now, there is an order of age among these celestial spirit and boldness, arid the feeling of a sister artist for the originals.
dien. Of the planets, the eldest is the furthest off; then comes Saturn, The " pearls " are strung together on golden threads, drawn frail afterwards Jupiter, the four Asteroids, Mars, the Earth, Venus, Mercury ;
the embroidered woof of Lalla Rookh, an and time satellites, considered ea complete worlds, are, perhaps, the most recent d dedicated appropriately to
e the poet ; who cannot but be proud of so rich a corona].
..........-7.-:— is a graceful picturesqueness of composition, Esq., of Edward Street, Portman, Sqame: and at the mime time aud place. A. A. Pm- dieisposing quality which it afforded full scope for its exercise in the chivalrous costumes and stirring scenes of the story. . The designs are so feeble in the de. DEATHS. lineation of character and passion, t at the persons are insipid, and ex- On the 4th inst., at Leghorn, C. W. GARDINER, Esq.. of Coombe Lodge, near Read. • terest ; the hero, Crichton, is a very commonplace per- tau, Berks, and Portman Square. cite 110 interest • • • • On the 16th hist, at his residence in Piccadilly Terrace. Vice-Admirkl J. R. D. Tot- The drawing is neither very correct nor vigorous ; and the ratisscise, in his 65th year. Wage'
outline, though bold and free, with occa.sional touches of spirit, is de- on the 10th of May, of fever, on board her Majesty's ship Scoot, off the coast of ficient in delicacy and point. The plates are interleaved with printed extracts w
from the romance, (which we have never yet been
able to read to the end ;) and the volume is handsomely got up. Marlborough street.
Mr. JOHN Govt.n, the ornithologist, has commenced the publication of A Synopsis of the Birds of Australia, in quarterly parts, on a plan Esq.. of Albemarle Street. it ence novel, attractive, and useful. The usual technical descrip. On the 16th inst., at her residence, Great Coram Street, ittumell Square. Hrs. can:- tions of the birds, their measurements, synonymes, &c. are illustrated HELL, in her S,1 year. by a beautiful coloured drawing of the head-outlines of the wing, 7 foot, or the entire bird, arc added, when needful ; thus enabling even the Oa the 15th inst., in Palk Street. Grosvenor Square. in his 23d year, Pam Mmorar unscientific to identify the several species, and greatly facilitating the re- isi 'crime, eldest son of Paul Methuen. Esq , M.P.
searches of the naturalist. It has often struck us, when reading the On the 15th inst., at his house, Futile Green, Finchley, the Rev. Jolts IlUMpiaya,, minute descriptions of animals, that an accurate figure of the creature tin the 18th inst., in her 51st year, SARAH. Widow of the late Mr. William Collins. IfOuld be much more explicit and satisfactory. of Wool Street, Westminster, whom she has survived only nine months.
His splendid work ?'he Birds of Europe now wants but one num-
bee to complete it, Parts X X. and X XI. having just appeared. It is Opel/1110M to eulogize the correctness and beauty of the plates and pARTNERsHips DIssOLVID.
their vivid colouring. Thompson awl Bailer, Westerliatn, Kent, surgeons- Gardner and Co. Manchester -Morrall and Son. Liverpool, merchants-Allen and Rogers, Eaton Square, A curious volume has been made of The Great Seals England from men-T. and J. Williams, Liverpool, brewers-Hawks and Co.-Newton and Smith, EDWARD the Confessor to IVILLIAM the Fourth. They are engraved, Manchester. calico-dealers-Watkin and Postans. Leamington Priors, cement-dealers- from casts of impressions affixed to state documents, by the ingenious Crisp and Dalton, Abchurch Lane, wioe-merchatits-Chatham and Johnson, Kingston- Ind beautiful process of COILLAS, which gives a perfect facsimile of upowIlull, attoruies-Heminsley and Co. Birmingham. brick-makers-Shakespear and the impression with unerring accuracy, and imitates the effect of relief ce.seaalincete. Derbyshire, coal.masters-Wilkinson and Son, Deptford, Durham. almost to illusion. The devices display as great a lack of invention shiphuilders-Whitelegg And Others, Manehester, dyers-Court and Roberts, Man- chester, machiue•makers-Fradiey mid Mills, Shelton, Staffordshire, coarse owthen- snd as little variety as if they had been regulated by a sumptuary law. ware-manufacturers-Leonard and Walker, Illisliclitli., 'Yorkshire. mule.spiuners-T, That of 1Villiain the Norman represents him in form "like a forked and P. Coupe, Preston, biters- W. and It. l'eplow. Wellington. Shropshire, tailors- radish with a head fantastically carved upon it with a knife," dressed Leary and Thompson, Clements Lane. ship-brokers-Dobson and Co. St. Thomas'. in royal robes and seated on a throne, holding the globe in one hand Street, hop-merchants ; as tar as regards W. B. Dobson-Falkirk Iron Company ; a. and the sceptre in the other, in the manner of Ramo SAMEE exhibiting It. Dalglish. lNsOIVENTs.
the sword and cannon-ball to his audience before lee commences his BARNFIEI.D. WILLIAM junior. Mark Lane, wine-merchant, July 15.
feats; the counter-seal (or reverse) showing him on horseback, the 11PC ANN, TH014As. Great Malvern, Wilder, July 17.
animal very much resembling those wicker hobby-horses which figure
lo amusingly in the stage burlesque of Quadrupeds. This precedent EMANUEL, JOSEPH, Birmingham, jeweller.
Its been followed even to the present time, through all the variations BANKRUPTS, steeds soon display the energy of infuriated rocking-horses, and the en- throned Sovereigns attain to the dignity of Kings of Brentford, their bridge ; and Messrs. Egan and Co. Essex street, steed.
being a map of England and Ireland. lleoliett, Brighton ; and Messrs. Dax it Bicknell. Li ii,:oln's loo Fields.
same style. This will be an interesting collection, and as beautiful it Arnold. Uttoxeter ; and Messrs Sharpe and Cu. Bedford Row.
A volume of Sketches of West India Scenery, by Mr. R. BRIDGES', King's Arms Yard.