Just before the Commons were summoned by the Black Rod, on Monday, Colonel THostesom asked Mr. Poulett Thompson, whether the proclamation of the King of Hanover, declaring that the constitu- tion of that country guaranteed by George the Fourth and William the Fourth was not binding upon him in form or substance, was viewed as an authentic document by the Queen's Ministers? Mr. PouLETT THOMPSON replied, that it was a question which the States of Hanover could best answer. Colonel THoMPsON then gave notice, that if he should have a seat in the next Parliament, he should move to bring in a bill, " to declare, that in the existing circumstances of the Crown, no foreign prince or potentate ought to have nny jurisdiction, power, supe- riority, preeminence, authority, or succession within this realm, or any of the Queen's dominions ; and to vest the succession, in the event of the demise of her Majesty, in Prince George of Cambridge and his heirs."