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The Common Council yesterday agreed to invite the Queen to a grand entertainment in the Guildhall. It is supposed that the 9thsf November, the Lord Mayor's day, will be fixed upon. Permission was also given for the polling for the London district of Middlesex to be in the Guildhall.
Dr. Chalmers is announced to preach in the Scotch Chapel is Swallow Street. on Sunday next. We hope the Carlton Club have not got him to town for the purpose of preening a penitent sermon. 1Ve shall keep an eye on the movements of this reverend political per. sonage ; for whose powers, employed in their proper sphere, we hays every respect.—Globe. The first anniversary of the Infirmary for Fistula and other Diseases of the Rectum was celebrated on Wednesday, at the Albion Tama The Lord Mayor presided. The amount of donations and new sub. scriptions approached 300/. ; and, by the reports, 300 necessitous per. sons have received professional assistance from the Society, although it has not been established two years.
The Thames Tunnel will probably be completed at the public et. pense. The Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to inquire into the state and prospects of the undertaking, decline giving any opinion on the results, as far as profit and loss are con. cerned ; but it is added—and this is the material point to the parties whose money has been buried under the Thames-
" Looking to the importance of a work of this nature, for the first time now undertaken as a means of fixed communication in situations where no other d an equally permanent nature may be available, and also that the sum d 180,0001. has been already expended upon the work by the proprietors, and the further sum of 72,0001. by the public, they are of opinion, that it be ups- (Heat to authorize the Treasury to continue the advances to the Thames Tunnel Company according to the Act of Parliament." The fact is, that Ministers have made the public parties to the spe- culation; and, like other involved speculators, the public must con. tinue to advance more money for the chance of getting part of the original loan returned. The Tunnel people have bad some powerful Parliamentary influence, to which Mr. Spring Rice has thought keno to succumb.
On Thursday, at Willis's Rooms, the celebrated Nassuck diamond. the Arcot diamonds, and a variety of other costly diamonds and pestle, the property of the late Mr. Bridge, of Ludgate Hill, were sold by auction by Mr. Sharp. The sale commenced at three o'clock. The
Nassuck diamond, which weighs 3574 grains, and is of the purest water, was captured by the Indian army under the command of the Marquis of
Hastings, and was put up to sale by order of the trustees of the Deccan booty : the proceeds will be divided among those entitled to the Deccan prize-money. This superb gem was purchased for 7,2001. by Emanuel Brothers, Bevis Marks. Amongst the Arcot diamonds, which were formerly the property of Queen Charlotte, and were by her left to her daughters, was the magnificent pair of ,brilliant ear-rings, weighing 2231 grains. This pair of ear-rings, perhaps the finest in the world, was bought by the same gentleman, for 11,0001. Another pas of brilliant ear-rings sold for 2,500/. ; a single rose diamond fetched 1,3001. ; and a round brilliant 3,5001. There was considerable compe- tition for many of the lots, but they generally were sold for much lea than their estimated value. The newspapers this week have been vying with each other is poetical praise of a new and very powerful Dundee steamer, called the London, which arrived at Wapping on Monday, heavy-laden, after the remarkably short passage of thirty-eight hours. One of ear
contemporaries speaks of the " sylph-like " form of the London. Never having had the luck to see a sylph, (except John Barnett's Mountain Sylph,) we are not qualified to estimate the correctness of the simile ; but we have seen the London, and can bear witness, that for elegance and lightness of external form, and splendour of internal decoration, it surpasses all our previous experience of steam-vessels. This addition to the number, enables the company to perform two trips, instead of one, from London to Dundee every week—at present the sailing-days are Wednesday and Saturday.