At half-past four o'clock on Thursday morning, a duel was
fought near Chalk Farm, between Mr. Hugh Dalton and Captain Thomas Reid, R.N. Mr. Dalton was accompanied by the Honourable Mr. Price, and Captain Reid by Mr. Kennedy. On the signal being given, both gentlemen fired ; and Mr. Dalton received the contents of hie opponent's pistol in his right shoulder. The parties then separat without coming to any satisfactory explanation.
John Reeve burst a blood-vessel on Wednesday morning. He is expected to recover, but not for some time ; till when, the gayety of the Minors will suffer eclipse. An explosion occurred on Monday, in the workshop of Mr. John Seabrook, a maker of lucifer matches in Worship Street. Seabrook himself was engaged in his business at the time of the accident, and was seriously injured in the face, and taken to Bartholomew's Hospital. Nobody else was hurt ; but the ceiling of the workshop was shattered, and some lads employed in the shop escaped narrowly.
On Wednesday morning, a French polisher, by name Chamberlain, who lived in Surry Street, Blackfriars Road, stabbed his wife. in a drunken quarrel, and hurt her so severely that she will probably die of the wound. Being taken to the Station-house, Chamberlain contrived to strangle himself with a piece of title, while another man was in the same room, unconscious of what lie was doing. Chamberlain had lately been left 1,0001. ; and was almost always drunk.