et1e COUtitto.
Mr. Buckingham has been visiting his friends at Sheffield, previously to his departure for
"Nova Zembla, or the Lord knows wbere."
On Wednesday evening, he met his late constituents in the theatre ; discoursed with them at length on the subject of-his Parliamentary achievements, and gave a sketch of his intended travels by sea and land A vote of thanks for his services, and of good-natured: regret at the scuevy treatment he had received from the House of Commons and the East India Company, was passed by acclamation. Mr. Buck- ingham proposes to lecture and trade as well as travel ; and he has chalked out for himself a track over many countries, in the four quarters of the globe, which it would exceed our limits to describe. Lest he dmuld perish by shipwreck or other death before the completion of hi.; rut circuit, be is to send home quarterly parcels of MSS. for publica- tion; so that the world shall not lose all the fruits of his labours.
At the Aylesbury Sessions, on Saturday, Dr. Lee applied for a war-
rant against the Marquis of Chandos, in consequence of having re- ceived the following letter-
" Buckingham, ItIth July 1837. "Sir—It having reached the ears of the Marquis of Chandos that you intend pub- lishing a kind of pamphlet in explanation of your not coming forward as ri candidate at the ensuing election fur the town of Aylesbury, and that it contains certain allusions to his Lordship that as a gentleman and man of honour he could not do otherwise than resent, I have it in command to inform sou. that should this information prove correct, his Lordship would feel it • duty he owes his title and station personally to chastise you in the most summary and public manner. " I have the honour to be. &c.
"Major 4th Dragoon Guards."
The pamphlet alluded to is Dr. Lee's address to the electors of Aylesbury and the neighbourhood, which contains an attack on Lord Chandos- " I cannot conceal from you (says the Doctor) that by returning Lord Nugent you are acting in some degree against your own independence, and are promoting the grand object which that miserable politician the Duke of Buckingham, and that agricultural harlequin Lord Chandua, Marquis of Malt, are anxious for," &c.
As there was no evidence to prove that Major Leonard's letter was written by Lord Chandos, the Magistrate postponed the matter tilt such evidence could be procured. Who is this Major Leonard, who has it "in command" from Lord Chandos to act as the out-at-elbow Marquis's tiger ? and is it not the Major, rather than the Marquis, that the Magistrates are bound in the mean time to make answerable for the threatening letter ?
Lieutenant Hill and Captain Dundas, late M.P. for Devizes, have both been bound over to keep the peace to each other in that borough. Lieutenant Hill applied some strongly offensive epithets to Captain Dundas; who, he fancied, had acted with harshness towards him in his capacity of Member.
In the Ecclesiastical Court of York, on the 14th, an application for a divorce, promoted by Mellin, against his wife, on the ground of adultery, came before Mr. G. Harcourt. The facts of the ease have been repeatedly published. The plaintiff obtained a verdict in an action for trim. con. brought by him against an attorney named Taylor, residing in Wakefield, which twice came before a jury. Mr. Bien- shard, for Mr. Mellin, rested his case on the conclusive manner in which the guilt of the parties had been established at the trial preced- ing the application, and read and commented on parts of the deposi- tions. Mr. Strickland, with whom was the Honourable J. S. Wortley, opposed the prayer of the plaintiff, on the ground of the improbable tales told by the witnesses, and the inconsistency in their testimonials. The Chancellor pronounced sentence of separation a mensa et thoro.
At the Rutland Assizes, last week, there was not one prisoner for trial.
The ancient church of Loughborough, in Leicestershire, has been considerably injured by fire, occasioned by the negligence of the plumbers employed in repairing the roof.
The visiters to the Isle of Man are very numerous this summer.