.• . . The meeting of Contocation, this week, has
been creditable to that body, and hopeful for those who desire to restore its true working. It was distinctly understood that the Convocation would not nieet with a view to the ordinary politico-religious con- test ; but the modest proceedings which were taken with reference to improving the. conduct of business, and to give, at once latitude and uniformity in the performance of divine- service according t6 the circumstances of. different parishes, show how sensible all par
ties were that there bzisines-s necessary' tobe -performed, and that it cannot be -performed by nay other body eitept- Gonvoca- tiOn: A- no less-important measure is the appointment of a Com- mittee- inilie--Upper-House; (which will, we suppose,' have repre- sentatives from the Lower House,) to exaMine and consider the subjisit -of :Church-rates; . Something may yet be (rot -mit of this Church-Parliament, if it do not itself exhibit a-spirit ef reactionary