News Of The Week.
Tire political business of the week may be said to commence with Lord John Russell's muster of Liberal Members on Monday, to tam the position which the leaders of the Tory party......
.• . . The Meeting Of Contocation, This Week, Has
been creditable to that body, and hopeful for those who desire to restore its true working. It was distinctly understood that the Convocation would not nieet with a view to the......
The Reports From 1114 Joierek Fielde_of 'the Great War Are,
for the creek, iseperfeet,. - We Mid' Walling fresh tbc'rejmrt =from the Baltic; 'nothing fresh respecting the negotiations with Austria,— only surmises, founded upon fact, that......
By Far The Most Interesting News 'of The Week Is
supplied by Spain ; where the insurrection has taken a totally different turn. While General Bloser is still following up O'Donnell, who is marching on Seville, the rebellion......