The reports from 1114 jOierek fielde_of 'the great war are,
for the creek, iseperfeet,. - We Mid' Walling fresh tbc'rejmrt =from the Baltic; 'nothing fresh respecting the negotiations with Austria,— only surmises, founded upon fact, that the Russian tendencies of the King of Prussia are less disguised than ever ; and that the Military reinforcements which Austria has ordered are intended to be employed by her on the winning side, with her Western allies. From the Danube the latest reports negative those that preceded them : one, for instance, that the French and English troops had taken part in the recent contest between the Turks and Russians, is evidently premature ; the Allied forces have not yet advanced so far as to be in action, but we last leave them at Devno, not a great distance on the road from Aladyn towards Schumla. The Turks appeared to be continuing the passage of the Danube at several points. The Russians still occupy ground between Bucha- rest and the Danube ; their movements, however, being still rather in retreat than otherse. The most important step recently taken by the Black Sea fleetTs the successful operation of Admiral Dundas to remove the Russian obstructions at the Selina mouth of the Danube, and the amphibious expedition of the Admiral's men, overland, to cooperate with the Turks in clearing the river of the Russian flotilla. This operation would secure an important posi- tion, upon which other movements depend.