22 JULY 1854, Page 11



From the extant of the operations in the English Funds, some considerable fluctuations have for a long period taken place within the few days preceding an arrangement of the Account ; and accordingly an anticipated scarcity of Stock for the settlement on Wednesday last caused the Funds to advance on Monday morning nearly 1 per cent, and Consols for Money were done at 931. Afterwards, some large sales were effected ; which, coupled with several offers from Brokers to lend Stock until the August Account, caused a heavy fall, and Consols descended to 921. On Tuesday they opened about 4 lower, owing to the announcement in the House of Commons that the Government would require a vote of credit towards the expenses of the war. A loan was at first considered probable, until it was noticed that a Committee of Ways and Means was to be dispensed with and it was remembered that the Go- vernment were now empowered to issue a further amount of Exchequer Bonds for 2,000,0001., and had refused to allow dismount for payments in advance on the last series. These reflections led to a recovery of per cent, and Consols closed at 911. On Wednesday, the Account was arranged. It was also the first public transfer-day in Consols since they closed for divi- dends; and a large delivery of Stock caused a decline of ; but they rallied to 921 on a purchase of 200,000/. for the Account Yesterday, they ranged between 921 and 911, and left off at 92. The foreign news has had little weight during the week ; but the fine weather and dull state of the Corn. market has sometimes helped to sustain prices. The French Funds have been rather weak ; and the rate of exchange not having improved, some moderate amounts of gold have been taken from the Bank of Eng- land this week for remittance. At Amsterdam and Iamburg, the rates continue steady. The bullion return by the Bank of France for the past month exhibits a decrease (the first time since February) amounting to 66.5,0001.; the increase in the preceding month was 2,400,000/. The arri- vals of gold this week from the United States amount to 208,0001., and from Australia to about 225,6001.; upwards of 700,000/. is expected shortly from Sydney and Melbourne. A statement of the exports of bullion from London for the half-year ending the 30th June, compiled by Messrs. Haggard and Pixley, exhibits a total of 15,331,960/. • ' 11,869,000/. in gold, and the rest in silver : namely, to India, China, and Mauritius, 2,073,1301.; to Australia and New Zealand, 29,4001.; to the Continent, 12,187,8201.; to the Mediter- ranean, 778,6601.; to the West Indies, 197,2501.; to Brazil, 18,7001.; to Africa, 47,000/. The shipments of specie this week to Alexandria, India, and China, amount to 300,099/.

Today the Funds opened higher, and Consols touched 921, in consequence of Lord John Russell having stated in the House of Commons yesterday that the vote of credit he proposed to move on Monday would be for 3,000,000!.: rumour had latterly named a much larger sum. Consols have since declined to 921 1 for Money, and 921 for the Account. Bank Stock has improved 5. India Stock has fallen 1, and Exchequer Bills Is. Exchequer Bonds are a premium.

Foreign Securities have been little dealt in, and the leading Stocks in many eases have presented no change during the week. The following have improved—Chilian, Dutch Two-and-a-half, Four per Cents, and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1. Spanish continues low, owing to the dis- turbed state of that country : the Three per Cents are today 361 74; De- ferred, 181 19. Swedish has declined. Mexican was done on Monday at 25, owing to advices from the United States regarding the payment of 1,400,000/. to the Mexican Minister under the Gadsden treaty. Railways have been chiefly governed by the state of Consols, and on the whole may be considered firm : the expectation of some good dividends to be shortly declared creates a buoyancy. Yesterday, several of the leading lines, including London and North-Western, as compared with last Saturday, pre- sented no change ; in others the difference was to the following extent. In- crease—Bristol and Exeter, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 11.; Midland, North British, York, New- castle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 10s. Decrease—Caledo- nian, 15s. ; Great Northern, and Great Western, 108. i Lancashire and Yorkshire, 58. In Foreign Shares, Paris and Rouen have improved 11.; and Paris and Lyons, and Rouen and Havre, 10s. Paris and Strasbourg have declined 2s. 6d. Today there is little alteration either in the English or Foreign Shares. The London and Brighton Railway Company propose a dividend of 2/. 6s. per cent on the Consolidated Stock.


The English Funds are firm this morning at k improvement : Consols for Money are 921 1 and for the Account 924 1. Exchequer Bills par to 3 pre- mium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 197,335/. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration is in Spanish, whicii is rather lower, the Three per Cents being 36 7 and Deferred 181 4. Railways are a shade better : these are the present bargains—Caledonian, 63; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 595; Great Northern, 914; London and South-Western, 84; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 74.

3 per Ceat Consols 921 Danish 3 per Cents 75 80 Ditto for Account 921 3 per Cent Reduced 921 Ditto 4 per Cents 90 2 31 per Cents 921 1 Dutch 21 per Cent, 56 61 1 Mexican 3 per Cents 241 1

Long Annuities 44 Peruvian 41 per Cents

66 8

Bank Stock 209 11 Ditto 3 per Cents 50 2 Exchequer Bills par 3 pin. Portuguese 4 per Cents 39 41 India Stock 224 7 Russian 5 per Cents 97 9 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 3 Ditto 41 per Cents 82 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents 36 7 Belgian 41 per Cents 89 91 Ditto Deferred 181 1 Chilian 6 per Cents 102 5 Sardinian 5 per Cents 84 6 Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 6