The theatres in the leas fashionable boulevard Fire active. The
Mad- cap Prince Hal is the hero Of a quasi-historical piece, by MM. Fournier and Meyer, bronght out at the Ambigu-Comique, with the name Harry is Diable. At the Theatre Imperial, where the earlier stage of the ex- isting war was represented under the title Conatantinopie, the later events have been combined into a supplementary drama, called _La Guerre el Orient. AIM. Albert and Lustieres are the chroniclers of the occasion.
M. Victor Mangin, a journalist of Nantes, has made his data at Paris as a dramatist, with a vaudeville, called Lea .Repre,sailles. The notion of the work, which is played at the Varietes, is cure of inconstancy by means of jealousy.