S HA It B IL (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
B.A111.1• Sr.— BANKS—
Bristol and Exeter 99i A.natraladan Caledonian 521 British North American
Edinburgh and Glasgow Ss Colonial '
Eastern Counties 131 Commercial of London Great Northern 911 London and Westminster Great South. and West. helmet.. — London Chartd. Dnk. of Australia Great Western 791 London Joint Stock
Hull and Selby — National Of Ireland
Lancashire and Yorkshire 631 National Provincial Lancaster and Carlisle 891 Provincial of Ireland London, Brighton, & South Coast. 1093 ex n. Union of Australia
London and Blackwell 51 Union of Loudon
1044 Mo. et- 861 Brazilian Imperial — Ditto (at. John del Rey) 34 Cobre Copper 13 - Colonial liold ' 94 Nouveau Monde 641 Miscast...sc09e- 831 Australian Agricultural 74 Canada 551 Crystaly*alate General Oceans
Feel River Land and Mineral
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South A.Ustrallart
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 6th Victoria. cap. 32, fox the weekk ending on Saturday, the lath day of July 1854. 15555 PS, ■ItTXEN T. +, Motel issued £27,055,913 Government Debt /11,0115,110 Other Securities -1,981.905
Gold Coin and Bullion 13,085,913 Biller }Pillion £27,085,915 /27,085,915
Proprietors. Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities (in-
Best 3,309,119 chid, g Dead Weightdimulty) E12,470,237
Public Deposits* 3,207,955 Othe Securities 14,1-34,9wOther Deposits 11.633,973 6,402,999 Seven Day and otherilills 1,120,012 Gold and Silver Coin, 737,927 1.33,841,070 £33,846,070 • Including Exchequer, Serings-Ranks,CommissionersofNatIonal Debt. & Dividend Acct..
MULLION. Per oz. METALS. Perton, Foreign 0oM in Bars. Standard ....£3 17 9 Copper,BritishCakteS126 0 0.. 0 0 0
Foreign Gold InCoin,l'ortugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh bans .. New Dollars , British Fig 22 10 0 .. 23 5 9 Silver In Bars,Standard 0 5 If Steel,Swediah Leg-. 20 0 0 .. 21 0 5 • GRAIN, Mark Lame, July 29. .
I. 5,1
Wheat,R.New 66 to70 ; Rye 450047 Fine 72-761 Barley 33 - 33 Old 0-0 Matting „„ 37-38 White 0- 0 I Malt;Ord... 08-72 Fine 0 0 Fine '3 -75 Super. New, 0- 0 : Peas, Hog .. 40 -46
-S. 8. Maple 4450 48
Wiute 60-51
. Batten 94 - 66
lleans,1Seks 44-48 Old 48-53 Indian Corti 45-48
Oats, Feed ..21 to 3m. Fine 30-3i Poland 30-11 _ Fine .. 91-32 Potato .... 33-31
bias .. 33-78 • WMEKLY AVERAGE. For the 'Week ending July 15.
Wheat 6/ I bye 51s. 18.
Barley 36 10 Beaus 48 10 Oats an IS Yeas 45 2 PROVISIONS. . Mutter-Best Fratih, FL. Od. per dos. Carlow, 41. 131. to 41. 16s. per cwt. Bacon, Irish Per cwt. 70s. to M. Cheese, Cheshire 66 - 70
Derby Plain . 60 —58
Hams, York 71 - 91
Eggs, French , per 120,04. Od. to 0, Cd.
113511 00 CA tTLI
iimsraristss. Pri
Beasts. 9dtai. At
caiuSheep, .12:8340 2b4,5..s1st5:9 Plgt 285 42°
Kent Pockets 01. 10 th. 'Down and halt-bred Hogs perih. Dd. to 01-
Choice ditto 0 0 . Wether and Ewe .... .. .... ........ 10 - Ill
Samoa ditto 0 - 0 ?Leicester llogget and Wettutr.';.. 114- 0
Farnham ditto 0 0 I Skin Combing 10 ' - 0 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 96 Trusses.)
CiplIIISPIAND. finsenriaaa. Wanton/a.. Hay, Good 902. to ills. 90s. to 95t. 139s. to 100r. Inferior 65 - 90 60 - 79 0 .... 0 New 70 - 90 49_ 78
Clover 115 -126 110 -192 100 -120 '
Wheat Straw 38 - 46 30 - 40 33 - 30
GROCERIES. reit, Souehong, tine, per lb.. Is. 24. to 2s. PI. Congen, line I 6 - 10
Pekoe, Lowery 1 4 - 3 8
Bond-Dot) Is. 61. per lb. Ooffee, fine (in bond) cwt. 62, 64'S 55, 64. Good Ordinary 16.. 6d. - 48s. 6(1. Sugar, Muscovado, perewt... 220 ti , West ladle Molasses 161. ed. to 154
BRITISH FUNDS. (Clotting Prism) •
3 per Cent ConsoL Ditto for Account 9 per Cents Rechiced 11 per Cents Long Anuuities Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent India Bonds 4 per Con* Bills, 21d. per diem Exchequer FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Austrian 5 p. Ct — Mexican 3 p. Ct. Belgian 41 - — Mississippi 6 Ditto 21 - New York 5 -
Brasillan 5 - 991 Peruvian 41 - Samna Ayres 6 - 051 Portuguese a -
Chilian 6 - — Ditto. 3 -
Danish 5 - — Russian 6 — Ditto 3 --- Ditto
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guildels) -21 - 601 Sardinian' 5 Ditto i 1 - 914 Spanish ---- Ertto6r;a1.3"tpastefeued 3 French Ditto 41 - Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - 1021 Venezuela 31
904 ex d. 1,7 371
371 19
1 Gamed. :Monde*.
i Tuettlay. Artanem. Vows.
1,!9,9211gd.d.1 997271 ' 1141; I 93
928 534 - 41, — — I — US) rid
1 3 p.--m -- - / 2
. ', I —
pall. - MI ./924
4 211 226 3 —
921 i Igi
-- 211 227 • • 3
41 210 .-- 3
921 921
9241 921 2108 2 Landoll and North-western Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British Oxford, Woe. and Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-eastern and Dover Loudon and South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North MidMnd
East and West India London St. Katherine Victoria 1011 84 cad. 341 331 201
271 27 it
444 30 44 24j
6t 35 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per gr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. 'Wheat.... 77e. 3d. I Rye Barley.... 37 0 Beans 49 3
30 2 Peas 49s. id.
Oats 47 2 FLOUR. Town-made per sack 58s. to 68s. Seconds 56 - 60 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 54 - 55 Norfolk and Stockton ' 52 - 54 American per barrel 37 - 44 Canadian 37 44 Bread, PC to 15.5. the 41b loaf.
NCISOATII Ann m.d. a.
Beef 3 4 to Mutton. 3 6 - 4 Veal .. 3 2 - 4 Pork .. 3 a - 4 Lamb .. 4 0-4
111.;TCUE1tS' MEAT.
d. s. d. 0. d. s. 4. .a. d. 2 to / .... 3 2 to 4 to 5 2 0 — 4 6 .... 4 0 - 4 8 - 5 u 0-46 .... 3 4 - 4 - 4
0-_I .... 4 0 - 4 6 v- 4 b
4 - 5 9 .,.. 1 8 - 5 0 - 5 h To sink the offal, per b lb
011.8. COAI.S. CA.f DLES. Rape 011 per cwt..C2 2 6 Relined Linseed Oil Linseed Oil-Cake Cendles per dozen 1 10 per 1000 14 it 0 Os. 0.4. to Oa. Od.
Moulds, per dozen 0.. Pi. to Os. Pt. Coals, Hutton 21s. 01. Tees 21a. Od,