Cp Cunt.
THE Royal Family are now at Osborne. The Queen left Buckingham Palace on Monday at two eielock, and reached the Isle of Wight at six o'clock.
Before leaving town, her Majesty held a Court on Saturday, and another on Monday. At the former, Mr. hIagenis had an audience, and took leave on proceeding to Sweden as her Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary; Mr. Jerningham was presented, on his appointment as her Majesty's re- presentative at the Court of Wurtemberg. At the Court held on Monday, Count Bernstorff had his first audience, and presented his credentials as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Ple- nipotentiary from the King of Prussia.
The Queen, Prince Albert, and the children, went on a cruise towards the Nab Light on Thursday afternoon ; returning to Osborne at half-past seven in the evening.