Pontificate of Pius the Ninth. By John Francis Maguire, M.P.
(Long- mans.)—This is a new edition of Mr. Maguire's "Rome and its Ruler," enlarged and continued down to the present time, the chief additione being an account of the occupation of Rome by the troops of Victor Emanuel, and of the Ecumenical Council. Mr. Maguire's position is not an easy one to hold. An Ultramontano in religion and a Liberal in politics, he cannot but find himself in something of "a strait betwixt two,"—between liberty of conscience, for instance, and the Syllabus which he is now bound, we suppose, to regard as of co-ordinate adthority with Scripture. It is only fair to say that he holds himself as well and skilfully as a man could, and that his language is, on the whole, moderate and reasonable.