22 JULY 1871, page 2

Mr. Disraeli Received This Statement Rather Tamely,...

Ministerial policy as " high-handed, but not illegal," depre- ciating the Liberal majority, and asking why Purchase had not been abolished by Warrant at once. But in the next......

The Duke Of Argyll, In The Course Of His Noble

speech against Purchase, dropped one extremely improper remark. He said he would not call the web which imprisoned the Army a spider's web ; he would drop the spider, "for the......

On Thursday Night, Mr. Gladstone Stated In The House Of

Com- mons the course which the Government intended to pursue in consequence of the defeat of the Army Bill on Monday in the House of Lords. He explained that the Lords had not......

This Day Week A Verdict Of Acquittal Of Mr. E.

W. Pook, the person accused of the Milani murder, was given, after a trial in which the conduct of the police in getting up the case was sub- jected to the severest censure by......

Lord Salisbury Closed The Attack Upon The Bill In A

speech of singular acrimony and singular poverty of political capacity and prudence. He urged that the House would not be afraid to re- ject the Bill on the ground that, if the......

Lord Granville Could Not Have Been Nervous,—he Never Is,—...

for some reason he was not at his ease in his reply. Perhaps it was the lateness of the hoar and the heat of the night. He protested against the Marquis of Salisbury's......

The Division Gave A Majority Of 25 Against Government-155 To

130,—but it is stated that among "the Peers of the realm" Government gained a positive majority of one (146 to 145, in- cluding pairs), and were defeated only by the......

This, However, It Did Not Do. The Popular Feeling At

Green- wich, as we have remarked elsewhere, is extremely violent and definite against the accused, and on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday great crowds assembled before his......