THE situation in Egypt is extremely critical. Arabi is still at Kafrdawar, about fourteen miles from Alexandria, and the number of his troops is said to be increasing daily. Several days ago he was believed to have 6,000 men, with 800 cavalry and 36 Krupp guns—which last, however, it is not very likely that he can use with any effeet,—and since then his force has certainly in- creased. He has ordered a convention of the Notables at Cairo, and has told. them that the Khedive is now a mere tool of Eng- land, and that, under these circumstances, his commands ought not to be obeyed. The Notables, it seems, hesitated, and ap- pointed a Commission of creatures of Arabi's to proceed to Alexandria, and there inquire into the situation. The ohief magistrates in three out of the five provinces of Egypt have been dismissed, and superseded by creatures of Arabi's. It is reported, too, that ho is meddling with the Suez Canal, cutting off the water supply of Alexandria, and so far flooding the country as to render the passage of artillery most difficult. Tho English troops have as yet only restored order in Alexandria, and have made no movement against Arabi. Now, however, that Parlia- ment is to be asked to vote supplies for operations in Egypt, and that Prance has virtually pledged herself to join us, it is probable that more active measures will be taken. We have already some 6,000 troops available, and men are arriving at Alexandria every day. To attempt to attack Arabi till it is certain that we have the force to defeat him would, however, be act of folly.