22 JULY 1882, page 1

On Saturday It Was Known That Mr. Bright Had Resigned.

On Monday he assumed his former place below the gangway, and when the House called for him, rose with some reluctance, to state that he could not now agree with his former......

News Of The Week.

T HE situation in Egypt is extremely critical. Arabi is still at Kafrdawar, about fourteen miles from Alexandria, and the number of his troops is said to be increasing daily.......

To What Remains Of Alexandria Order Has Been Restored,...

almost the whole European quarter has been burnt to the ground, and a great part of the native quarter ; but the Khedive, it is said, still hesitates to issue the proclamation......

We Described Last Week The Attitude Of France As One

for the moment of irritable and suspicious but determined qui- escence, in relation to the Egyptian crisis. That attitude, however, has changed, M. de Freyeinot having been sud-......

The Porte, After Taking Four Days To Consider The Identic

Note of the Six Powers, asking for its intervention in Egypt to restore order, has replied. by simply intimating its willingness to come at last into Conference, and discuss the......

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