The Porte, after taking four days to consider the Identic
Note of the Six Powers, asking for its intervention in Egypt to restore order, has replied. by simply intimating its willingness to come at last into Conference, and discuss the matter. This is quite of a piece with all its previous policy,—sending Dervish Pasha one day, decorating Arabi the next, making itself pleasant to Lord Dufferin a third, and declaring that the crisis in Egypt was intervene on a fourth. It is obvious enough that the Porte does not ntervene on the Anti-Mussulman side, for fear of playing into the hands of those who wish to see Abdul Haraid deposed;
and will not intervene on the Pro-Mussulman side, for fear of losing its position and possessions in. Europe. So England and Prance must take up the duty of restoring order in Egypt, and the more promptly they strike, the better for the peace both of Egypt and of the world, Mr. Gladstone is to propose a Vote of Credit on Monday, when all the Tory Demostheneses,—and their name is legion,—will cast at him their long-suppressed thunderbolts. Sir S. Northcote has, however, hitherto shown considerable reserve, and has left to ford Carnarvou and Sir IL Cross, Mr. Gorst and Mr. Balfour, the task of objurgation.