Now our own turn is coming, my chum's and mine;
and we Have spent the Sunday walking in silent misery All round the dear old places, until he turned away. I know, like me, he wishes to be alone to-day.
One more look at the Common. Under the windy sky Here, in our last Cock House match, I scored the winning try. Now I come down through Broadleaze, and on to the wide Eleven; Each stone and tree is dear to me, and every memory heaven.
The evening bell is ringing as down the Field I go, And the School are flocking to Chapel through the sunlit Court below.
In with the crowd I enter—yet alone to myself I seem, For six years' memories throng me, and I walk in a waking dream.
Now for the last time sitting in this dear solemn place I think what I cannot utter, and I see each well-known face. They talk of the charms of the future—but on them I set no store. It's Marlborough where I care to be—where I shall be no more.
Son ! you were dear to me always, and never so dear as now ; Yet change is the lot of all men, and you to that lot must bow. But say not Life is over when your days are but begun, Nor think that I who bred you will ever leave you, my son !
Did not I watch beside you since you came here young and small ? Guiding your childish footsteps, moulding and training all As yet you knew me but dimly, but now you truly know, And, truly knowing me, love MO ; it is good for you to go. For you lose me only to find me—though now we seem to part— If through the work of manhood you keep the boyish heart.
In the roar of the crowded city, on the silent desert ride, Though many a year may part us and many a wave divide : At a word from me they vanish—to the inward eye revealed Up in the English sunlight rise Chapel and Court and Field.
And the old friends walk beside you, and the grand old games are fought ; Each day in House is yours once more, and the frank, free, boyish thought.
While you love me I'll not leave you. Till you gain your final goal You have Marlborough ever with you—a Marlborough in your soul.