[to Thy Editor Or Thz "spectator."]
SIR, —Your services to the Volunteer Force can never be forgotten. But I venture to point out that the objection of your leading article on the Volunteer debate of July 13th,......
Sir,—the Matter You Discuss In Your Comments On The Verdict
in " Thomas v. Bradbury, Agnew, and Co." is so important to newspaper proprietors and pressmen that perhaps you will spare me space to suggest that you may have misread the......
Sir,—i Have Had Twenty Years Of What Is Termed "control"
in journalism, and I read Punch's statement as to my uncle's —bad I not better say?—" Recollections" by Mr. Moy Thomas, for not many who knew the late Sir John Robinson can......
"a Candid Expression Of Opinion" By A Reviewer Will Entail
on the proprietors of the paper in which such expression appears the risk of "heavy damages." The writer ignores entirely the fact that the Punch review stood markedly in......
Sin,—in The Article " Editors And Reviews " In The
Spectator of July 15th you raise the question as to whether the phrase " adding a new terror to death," as applied to the irresponsible or spiteful biographer, was not Lord......
Sir,—in The Standard Of July 19th There Appears A Vigorous
reply from a "Carlisle Conservative" to the article on the above subject in the Standard of July 17th. "Carlisle Conservative " repudiates with some force the accusation that......
Last Week's Spectator You Attribute To Lord Westbury The...
of biography as " a new terror to death." I believe I am correct in saying that the phrase was used at a dinner in the Inner Temple by Sir Charles Wetherell, who told Lord......