22 JULY 1955, Page 16


Sm, — A recent report indicates that Bela Kovac, the Hungarian Liberal Leader, who was kidnapped by the Hungarian Secret Police some six years ago, and has not been heard of since, is still alive, though in a pitiable con- dition in a prison hospital. We have recently seen a successful issue to the case of Mrs. Sispera, but sympathy should not be restricted to those who have the good fortune to be British. Cannot our representatives in the forthcoming series of talks use their influence to secure the release of those /thousands of

men and women imprisoned in the satellite countries, whose only crime has been their support of the way of life which we ourselves profess, and are struggling to maintain? This is surely a matter which goes to the very root of co-existence.—Yours faithfully, VIOLET BONHAM CARTER CLEMENT DAVIES JOSEPH GRIMOND JOHN MACCALLUM SCOTT ANDREW MCFADYEAN GILBERT MURRAY DOROTHY NICHOLSON DONALD WADE H. GRAHAM WHITE

Liberal International (World Liberal Union)