Sir,—how Enjoyable I Am Finding The Revelations Of...
in your correspondence columns. As an editor, how I admire Mr. Waugh's swift and entertaining method of airing his concern, not just to his friends—as do most of us—but in the......
Horsepower Politics
SIR,—In your leading article on 'HorsepoW e Politics' on July 8 you did me the honour 0 referring to the comment I made in the recce Road Traffic debate to the effect 0314 while......
Politics And The Co-op
SIR,—My attention has been drawn to an article by Charles Curran in your July 1 issue. I must point out that almost every point he raises in the first half of the article is in'......
Sir,—might We Please Have Just A Little Less Of These
petty and spiteful personal or literary feuds, which are continually cropping up in your columns nowadays? I myself thought Mr. Waugh's article of a really staggering un-......
Sir,—mr. Carlisle Says That `mr. Evelyn Waugh's Article...
worst example of bad manners to be granted space in your columns since the Sitwell correspondence.' I do not recollect the subject of the Sitwell correspon- dence, but I would......
Political Prisoners
Sm, — A recent report indicates that Bela Kovac, the Hungarian Liberal Leader, who was kidnapped by the Hungarian Secret Police some six years ago, and has not been heard of......
Snt,—may A Subscriber Of Long Standing Ven- Ture To Thank
you for publishing two such adequate rejoinders to Mr. Evelyn Waugh's diatribe.—Yours faithfully, EDWARD ROBINSON Bleak House, Areley Kings, Stourport-on- Severn, Wares......
Sir,—nobody Who Had Met Lord Noel-buxton Even Casually...
think him the ridiculous 'predatory' bully pictured by Mr. Evelyn Waugh. Quite apart from his personal gentleness and scrupulous regard for the in- terests of others, he had for......