The -preliminary Census returns which were published on Saturday last
show that the total population of the United Kingdom is now 41,434,578,—an increase of 3,721,656 upon. the Census of 1891. This increase exceeds by nearly a million (873,582) the increase recorded in the preceding decennium 1881-91. The natural increase of population in the United Kingdom during the interc,ensal period 1891-1901 by excess of births over deaths was 4,311,543; it appears, therefore, that the loss of population in the United Kingdom during this period through excess of emigration over immigration amounted to 589,887. But though the total increase is, of course, a matter for congratulation, the figures when analysed are not so satisfactory as they appear at first sight. The increase is due to the fall in the death-rate rather than to an increase in the birth-rate. The percentage of the birth-rate has, in fact, fallen from 37-56 in 1871 to 31'57 in 1901. It should be noted, also, that the excess of females over males tends to increase. There are over a million more women in the country than men. Even if allowance is made for the men at the front, these figures are very remarkable.