The -preliminary Census Returns Which Were Published On...
show that the total population of the United Kingdom is now 41,434,578,—an increase of 3,721,656 upon. the Census of 1891. This increase exceeds by nearly a million (873,582)......
The Figures In Regard To Ireland Alone Give The Existing
popu. lation as 4,456,546 (2,197,739 males and 2,258,807 females), and thus show a decrease since 1891 of 24 - 8,204 persons, or 5 - 3 per cent. The decrease in population is,......
On Monday In The House Of Commons Mr. Lloyd-george Moved
the adjournment of the House to consider the question of the camps of detention in South Africa and the alarming, rate of mortality among the women and children. We have......
Mr. Brodrick In Reply Made A Fair And Temperate Statement
of the facts. He justified , the camps of refuge both on political and humanitarian grounds, as the only means of keeping certain women from acting as providers for the enemy,......
The Dutch Elections Have Had A Very Curious Result. The
Times correspondent at Brussels, telegraphing on Monday night, tells us that whatever may happen in the second ballots, the Roman Catholics are now sure of a. majority in the......
The Times Correspondent In Crete Telegraphs On Tuesday,...
four protecting Powers have delivered to Prince George an identic declaration stating that they consider that there is no ground whatever for a change in the international......
The Daily 4tews Of Wednesday Publishes A Long And Painful
description of the sufferings of the women and children in the refugee camps, written by Miss Holthouse. That Miss Iiobhouse desired to speak the truth and nothing but the truth......