22 JUNE 1901, Page 20


[With apologies for Venus, Cupid, and Kars, as metrically more manageable than Aphrodite, Eros, and Ares.]

'A Kri.spr; Mo:rratot• 'copious si, A0p0a17000 Tlf.4617', .>1 yes 'Epsrr' 14cisim iYorldsolscsi.

zest Molex' 7r0T1 1{1%71-plY• 'Apse Tti OT01.46aLl Tsciiroc, sitar oti Tri7fTegi TODTO viTretilip1010.

VENUS said to the Muses, "You girls must respect me; I have Cupid to set upon those who neglect me." "Keep this chatter for Mars," said the Muses to Venus ; "As for us and your imp, there is nothing between us."

A. J. C.