The Committee stage of the Home Rule Bill was continued
on Wednesday, when the principal amendment discussed was Mr. Dickinson's, which provided for the establishment of Single Chamber government in Ireland. This amendment was supported by several Unionists, including Mr. Balfour, who declared that if, as Liberals pretended, Ireland was only to be given a right to manage her purely local affairs through a subordinate assembly, a Second Chamber was not required. After two Liberal members had declared their intention of supporting the amendment, Mr. Redmond made a strong appeal to the Labour Party not to risk the destruction of the Bill by going into the lobby against the Government. The appeal was successful, for soon afterwards Mr. Ramsay MacDonald announced his intention of supporting the Government. He said that a false situation had been created, and that the Opposition were going to support the amendment, not because they were in favour of a Single Chamber, but in order to put Home Rule into a difficulty. What looked like a dangerous moment for the Government was thus avoided, and the amendment was eventually defeated by 89 votes (288-199).