"the American People."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In reviewing the second volume of "The American People" in your issue of April 27th your reviewer said :- " People think of the Roman......
Mr. Ellis Barker, And Germany.
ITO Till EDITOR 01 Till " SPECTATOR.",) Stn.,—Reviewing an article of mine in the Nineteenth Century entitled "The Failure of Post-Bismarckian Germany," you wrote in your issue......
" Alone In West Africa."
[To Till EDITOR. OF Till .'SrscrITon."] SIR,—Miss Mary Gaunt writes to you implying that she alone appreciates West Africa, that the climate has been grossly maligned, that many......
"there's Something In The English After All."
[To TRNI EDITOR 01 TRII "SPROTLTOR.1 SIR, —You may be interested in the inclosed reprint of verses written by me some ten or fifteen years ago.—I am, Sir, &a., BEETRA.ND......