22 JUNE 1991, Page 27

Sir: Ian Buruma (`Hopeless in Baza', 4 May) alleges that

I accused Jewish Peace Now Activists opposing a new Jewish settlement in the Old City of Jerusalem of de facto fascism, proclaiming Hitler's doc- trine of Judenrein. His quotation is quite misleading: I never called Israeli liberals or Peace Now's general aims fascist, only foolish.

The protests by Christians against these Jews moving into their neighbourhood, somehow desecrating their churches there- by, is rank anti-Semitism; most of their present neighbours are Muslim, whose desecration of Jewish Holy Sites and mur- der of Jews was never protested by the churches. Anyone helping them is indeed promoting Judenrein, the doctrine that Jews may not live in Gentile areas. It's `Well, Dr Owen, just take two aspirin and ring back in the morning if you still want to be in the Cabinet.' most ironic that Lutherans led the protests; Martin Luther, whose name graces their nearby Jerusalem churches and schools, was Hitler's spiritual mentor — he advo- cated expulsion and torture of the Jews for refusing to admit that God changed His Mind, when they rejected even his new Christianity.

Yaakov Fogelman
