Divine Ignorance Sir: A.n. Wilson (`the Kitty Kelley Of...
8 June) is fully justified in saying that 'you would be hard put to find one [professional theologian in the Western world] who believed that the historical Jesus claimed to be......
Guilty Party
Sir: Once again Antony Lambton (Books, 8 June) has gone to press on the subject of Lord Louis Mountbatten. The last time was on 13 May 1990, when the Times published a......
Sir: It Is Not True As Mr A. N. Wilson
says (`The Kitty Kelley of Galilee', 8 June) `that nowhere in the New Testament is it stated that Jesus claimed to be God'. Jesus' reported words include 'he that hath seen me......
Grave Matter
Sir: I often admire articles written by Christopher Fildes and his recent commen- tary in The Spectator contained his cus- tomary balance (City and Suburban, 1 June). However,......
Spare The Coppers
Sir: Without wishing to become embroiled in any debate about 'government support for the police', may I make one or two points about Simon Heifer's article (`The Force is not......