OETICE or ORDNANCE, March I5.—Corps of Royal Engineers—Lieut.-Gen. G. Wright to be Col. Commandant, vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir S. It. Chapman, deceased. WAR-OFFICE. March 21,-7th Regt. Drag. Guards—Lieut. J. W. Balfour, from the 89th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Gray, who exchanges. 13th Foot—C. W. Woodrooffe, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. 19th Foot—Lieut. M. L. Blake, from half- -pay 57th Foot, to be Lieut. vice J. Phillipps, who exchanges. 44th Foot—Ensign W. Fletcher to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Howard, promoted ; G. Ingham Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Fletcher. 48th Foot—Lieut. W. It. Williamson to be Adjt. vice Maclurcan, promoted. 50th Foot—Capt. the Hon. J. P. Maxwell, from the 59th Foot, to be Capt. vice Mackenzie, who exchanges. 59th Foot—Capt. B. Grey Mackenzie, from the 50th Foot, to be Captain, vice Maxwell, who exchanges. 73d Foot—Lieut. C. Morison to be Capt. by purchase, vice Littlehales, who retires; Ensign A. H. Booth to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Morison. 74th Foot—Staff-Surg. of the Second Class J. A. Fraser, M.D. to be Surg. vice Aflleck, appointed to the -Staff. 89th Foot—Limit. J. Gray, from the 7th Drag. Guards, to be Lieut. vice Bal- four, who exchanges.
Ceylon Rifle Regt.—Assist.-Surg. J. M. A. T. Croft, from the Staff, to be Assist.- 'Sung. vice Rambautt, appointed to the Staff.
Hospital Staff.—Surg. D. Affleek, from the 74th Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Fraser, appointed to the 74th Foot ; Assist-Sung. J. Rambaut. from the Ceylon Rifle Regt. to be As56t.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Croft, appointed to the Ceylon Ritle_Regt.