At The Exeter Assizes, Mr. Baron Martin Delivered...
Robert Bird and Sarah Bird, for the misdemeanour of which eight out of fourteen Judges believe them to have been legally convicted on the second trial for cruelty to Mary Ann......
SATURDAY. The adjourned debate in the House of Commons, last night, was opened by Mr. OSBORNE, with a speech ranging over the salient points of the pre- vious debate in a style......
Last Night's Gazette Notifies The Queen's Consent To A...
pro - posed by the East India Company, for granting a medal to the surviving officers and soldiers of the Crown engaged in the services in India which are specified in a list......
Money Market.
STOCK ExCHANDR, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The only event of importance as regards the English Funds has been the. meeting of the Bank proprietors yesterday ; when a dividend upon the......