The American papers of Tuesday published a strong appeal from
some of the greatest and beet of public men in the United States for the repeal of the coastwise clause in the Panama Canal Act or, failing that, for the submission of the question to arbitration. Among the signatories are Mr. Choate, Dr. C. W. Eliot, Mr. Root, Mr. Charlemagne Tower, and Dr. Murray Butler. The Times correspondent says that various Democratic leaders in the House will try to bring about repeal, but that their efforts may be counterbalanced by the fact that Senator O'Gorman has been appointed chair- man of the Inter-oceanic Canal Committee in the Senate. Under him those who wish to retain discrimination in favour of American coastwise shipping will probably make a strong stand. In Congress the question is mainly one of domestic politics, and for this reason it is a much more obstinate difficulty than it would be if it were regarded, as the authors of the fine appeal wish to regard it, as entirely a matter of international morality.