Anecdotes Of Bench And Bar. Collected And Arranged By Arthur
H. Engelbach. With an Introduction by the Right Honourable F. E. Smith, K.C., M.P. (Grant Richards. 3s. 6d. net.)—As Mr. F. E. Smith observes in his introduction to this book,......
Much The Same Impression Of Count Nogi Is Given In
Nogi: a Great Man Against a Background of War, by Stanley Washburn (Andrew Melrose, 3s. 6d. net). This is the work of an American, who was in fairly close touch with the general......
General Nogi, His Personality And His Death. By Kinya...
(H. K. Lewis, 136 Gower Street, W.C. 6d.)—The deaths of Count Nogi and his wife raised at the time of their occurrence much discussion upon the ethics of suicide. Mr. Tamara's......
Thirty Songs From The Panjab And Kashmir. Recorded By Ratan
Devi, with Introduction and Translations by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, and a Foreword by Rabindranath Tagore. (Luzac & Co., 46 Great Russell Street, W.C.).—We can only briefly draw......
Leopards Of England; And Other Papers On Heraldry. By E.
E. Dorling. (Constable and Co. 7s. 641. net.)—Mr. Dorling gives a detailed historical account of the variations through which the Royal Arms of England have passed since the......