Though the subject is still very obscure, we gather that
the " isolated action " spoken of means that the Austro- Hungarian fleet is going to make a demonstration. According to a Daily Mail telegram published on Friday, six Austrian warships sailed on Wednesday afternoon from Pole " in connexion with an Austrian dispute with Montenegro and Servia." The Daily Mail also affirms that the Austrian diplomatic representative in the Montenegrin capital has made serious representations in regard to (1) the reported murder of an Austrian priest in Albania ; (2) the detention of an Austrian ship at San Giovanni di Medua ; (3) the shelling of an Austrian convent and the killing of Austrian nuns during the bombardment of Scutari ; (4) the reported conversion, on pain of death, of Catholic inhabitants in conquered Turkish territory to the Greek orthodox religion. It is further said that Italy has made similar representations. If the Austrians really press action of this kind it is impossible to say how things may end. It is greatly to be feared that Russian opinion would be intensely inflamed by armed interference by Austria-Hungary. We must, however, withhold comment upon this alarming news till more is known.