We deeply regret to record the death by assassination of
the King of Greece. King George was walking in a street of Salonica on Tuesday afternoon when he was shot through the lungs by a Greek degenerate. He fell at once and died a few minutes afterwards. There was no rational motive for the crime. Famous or prominent men are ever the mark for the weapon of madmen. The sorrow with which the news has been received all over the world is felt in an especial degree in the United Kingdom, because the late King was Queen Alexandra's brother. He was a familiar figure in England, and was everywhere liked and respected. For fifty years he had devoted himself to the interests of Greece, and thanks to his influence in all the European Courts he had been able continually to secure extensions of territory and various indulgences for his adopted country. The Greeks did not invariably recognize bow wise and untiring a champion he was of their cause; but latterly they have done so, and the tragedy is particularly grim, coming as it does at the moment of the King's triumph.