- Ciro EDI±OE' Or THE -"SrEcrivoi."3 Sisi,—Abouti twenty years ago, when I was resident Mirth China, the' British sqUadroti, 'then hi 'Far Ea-Stekit' waten, was steaming- out of the port Of' Cliefoo when a little black cat fell oderboard-froin 11.r.Si`‘INTanderer.' At once the whip stopped, signalled to 'tierdoirsbits board,"-- aid 'the entire squadron cane "tia a stairdatill: boat put off from the 'Wanderer' and'' rescued poss;' was swimming for dear'life after the strip. • The officer-Who" told me the story said the sailors would: haVe been `furious'• . if the • little- cat had not been- saved; for not only was 'She' a- great -pet, but they firmly believed 'that disaster Would' follow if a- black cat was allowed to dr■71.v.i,,n;''I aln, "