[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your correspondent " F. G. C." writing from Constanti- nople quotes Wordsworth's " Ode to Duty " as an illustration
of your• very interesting article, but the two last lines of the stanza seem to be a curious misquotation of the edition of 1827, which ran
" Long may the kindly impulse last !
But Thou, if they should totter, teach them to stand fast !"
Your correspondent has it
" May joy be theirs while life shall last,
And Thou, if they should falter, teach them to stand fast."
The authorized version runs
• " Oh ! if through confidence misplaced They fail, Thy saving arms, dread Power, around them cast."
And it seems to me that the amended form is interesting.—I • Ivy Bank, Beckenham.